Health services management has long been a part of integrated Health Industry. The Korean Journal of Health Service Management(KJ-HSM) is the official journal of The Korean Society of Health Service Management(KS-HSM). Abbreviated title is KJ-HSM. It was launched in 2007. It was registered ISSN 1976-1066 in 2007 and 2008, ISSN 2092-9749 in 2009, and ISSN 2093-5986 after 2010. The Association aims to contribute advance of academic research and industrial development through the convergence of the capabilities of experts and businesses and the reinforcement of collaboration between universities and businesses in health industry. It contains original articles, case reports on health services management and health industry. It has grown as about 400 plus-member organization that publishes academic journals in Korean. It is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December each year. Supplement numbers are at times published. All of the manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Total or a part of the articles in this Journal are abstracted in KCI, RISS, DBPIA, KISS, DOI/Crossref, Google Scholar, and NEST. We thank our colleagues in the Korean Society of Health Services Management for formally agreeing to sponsor this new endeavor. We also greatly thank each author for contributing prescient thoughts to this first issue of the KJ-HSM.
Manuscripts should be submitted through the on-line Manuscript Central website (http://www.hospitalreport.kr). Other correspondences can be e-mailed to Dr. Sung-Kwon Bae, Editor, The Korean Journal of Health Service Management, c/o Department of Health Care Administration, Kosin university, Busan, KoreaAuthor's check list and Copyright transfer can be found during the submission process via homepage.
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